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Thesis Monitoring Committee (TMC)

One of the main missions of doctoral schools is to ensure regular monitoring of the PhD student and the progress of his/her thesis throughout his/her studies. The Thesis Monitoring Committee (TMC) was set up to ensure this monitoring.

The PhD student and his/her thesis director must organize a Thesis Monitoring Committee (CST) every year, at least 3 months after the beginning of the thesis and, in all cases, before registration in year N+1. No re-enrolment will be made without the TMC report.For theses starting during the year (from April onwards), a TMC must be scheduled before the end of November. Organizing a TMC will be necessary to be able to re-enrol for a thesis. In addition, the new doctoral decree stipulates that the opinion of the members of the TMC will be mandatory for enrolment in the third year.


Composition of the Thesis Monitoring Committee

TMC members are chosen by the doctoral student, in agreement with the thesis director. Members of the ISC undertake to follow the doctoral student until his/her thesis defense.
The members of the TMC are immutable: a member can only be changed in very exceptional cases (conflict of scientific interest or major relational difficulty), and only with the prior agreement of the BMIC ED management.
 The TMC is made up of :
 a member holding an HDR* and belonging to a research team attached to the BMIC ED, but from a laboratory (unit, umr, etc.) different from that of the doctoral student (list available on the BMIC website). This member must be free of any personal conflict of interest (privileged link) and/or scientific conflict of interest (e.g. no joint publication in the previous 5 years) with the director and the doctoral student. This so-called internal member of the ED BMIC does not have to be a de facto specialist in the scientific field of the thesis.
one member (or two, maximum) with an HDR* from outside the University of Lyon (not attached to an ED affiliated to ENS Lyon or UCB Lyon-1). This external member of the BMIC ED is a specialist in the thesis project.
The doctoral student, in agreement with his/her thesis supervisor, may add a maximum of 1 or 2 people to his/her TMC. However, these people do not take part in the TMC's individual discussions with the doctoral student or thesis director, nor in the writing of reports.
* A person who does not yet have his or her HDR, but who has a defense authorization and an official defense date, may be a member of an TMC, subject to validation by the BMIC ED. A person holding a dispensation to supervise a thesis without an HDR cannot be a member of a TMC.

TMC Conditions

The TMC will interview the PhD student, who will give an oral presentation on the progress of his/her thesis work. At the end of this meeting, the Thesis Monitoring Committee, other than the PhD student's thesis director, will fill in the "Thesis Monitoring Committee Form." This sheet will inform about the progress of the work carried out and any problems that the candidate may have encountered. Le doctorant indiquera, sous couvert de la confidentialité, son avis sur son activité dans l'équipe d'accueil en précisant ses éventuelles difficultés.The Thesis Monitoring Committee form must be sent, duly completed, dated and signed, to the secretariat of the doctoral school by the PhD student.

Please note that the doctoral student may contact the DS management team at any time to report any difficulties or questions concerning his/her thesis work. In case of major difficulties that could jeopardize the smooth running of the thesis work, an interview between the PhD student, the thesis director and the director of the DS will be scheduled in order to find a solution to ensure the best conditions for the end of the thesis work.