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3 types of training are offered to BMIC PhD students
The PhD student, during the three years of his/her thesis, must validate AT LEAST :
A training course in research ethics AND a training course in scientific integrity as well as 2 transversal training modules.
This is a sine qua non condition for the thesis defense.
If the PhD student cannot provide proof of having followed this number of hours of additional training, he/she will not be able to defend his/her thesis. This is why we advise all our PhDstudents to spread these training hours over the entire duration of their doctorate.
1/ Research Ethics Training AND Scientific Integrity Training:
2/ Transversal doctoral training
- PhD students doing a joint doctorate, or receiving a CIFRE grant, are only required to complete half of this training (20 hours).
- PhD students working in a hospital environment are exempt from this training.
- PhD students following training in animal experimentation.
3 /The BMIC ED offers help for professional integration Thanks to the "Science Me Up" training
Training news
Any suggestions ?
For 2023, we look forward to your suggestions with great curiosty and interest. To do so, please write to :
The 2023 cross-disciplinary training programme
is available here. It is made up of 2 entries, per category & per date, and includes descriptions of all the courses, sheet by sheet. Download 'Transversal training catalogue January 2020 edition.pdf'
Enrolment for training courses
enrolment for training courses on SIGED straining will be from October 2020 (date to be specified later)
► consult the catalogue► F.A.Q Training