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The BMIC Doctoral School


The Integrative Molecular and Cell Biology Doctoral School (BMIC DS) encompasses a wide field of research in the biological sciences. It groups together about a hundred research teams working towards a better understanding of biological processes, from the regulation of gene expression to an integrative vision of phenomena.

What makes the BMIC DS original is its concern to integrate biological mechanisms into functional problems, and to confront normal and pathological situations as much as possible. Furthermore, thanks to the large number of professors with accreditation to supervise research working in its laboratories, it can guarantee high quality supervision for each of its doctoral students.

The BMIC Doctoral School is one of 4 doctoral schools of Biology out of the 17 doctoral schools of the Université de Lyon. It benefits from the scientific resources and networks of the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, to which it is affiliated, as well as the ENS Lyon associated with the doctoral school project.


Missions of the DS

The main missions of the BMIC Doctoral School are to offer PhD students doctoral training and a suitable environment to advance their research as well as to help them define a solid professional project throughout their thesis:[1]To do this, the BMIC DS:
  • Ensures the quality of supervision of PhD students by research units and teams.
  • Ensures that the thesis charter and rules and regulations are respected and implemented so that PhD students are able to prepare and defend their thesis in the best possible conditions.
  • Ensures that the PhD runs smoothly.
  • Sets up a mediation procedure if necessary.
  • Supports PhD students when dealing with establishments and is available to them for any problems (personal or professional).
  • Organizes scientific exchanges between PhD students.
  • Offers PhD students training courses that are useful to their professional project as well as training aimed at broadening their professional perspectives.
  • Organizes monitoring and support for the professional integration of PhDs.
  • Provides European and international links, in connection with foreign higher education establishments and research centres.

Address, office hours and access

Office GN1 Nord 259
46 allée d'Italie à Lyon 7ème

► Find us on google maps

Office hours :

Monday : 8:30-12:25 
Tuesday : 8:30-12:25
Wednesday : 8:30-12:25
Thursday : 8:30-12:30
Friday : 8:30-12:30

The doctoral school in figures

  • 300 PhD students
  • 105 research teams
  • 17 research units
  • 285 members with HDR - Accreditation to Supervise Research
  • 70 theses defended each year